URGENT HELP if you need help straightaway

Samaritans - call 116 123. Available 24/7.

SHOUT text SHOUT to 85258.

Hopeline UK – if you’re under 35 – call 0800 068 41 41 - 9am to 10pm weekdays, 2pm to 10pm weekends.

Mental Health, Anxiety, Depression and Stress Services

In Stockport

Open Door

Open door offers mental health and wellbeing support for Stockport residents aged 18 and over. Services include emotional support, guided self-help and other therapies.

Open Door 24/7 helpline provides emotional support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Calling the helpline on 0800 138 7276 can bring a sense of relief and safety in knowing that you are not alone. They can also refer directly into the Safe Haven drop in and provide more information about the services available to you.

Open Door can offer you support via telephone, WhatsApp, video calling and face to face at our new safe haven in the town centre.

Contact Details

0800 138 7276                            0161 549 9717


72-74 Prince’s Street, Stockport SK1 1RJ

Psychological Wellbeing Service in Stockport

Psychological Wellbeing Service in Stockport offer a range of services to help people overcome depression & anxiety and related problems. They do this through structured courses, psychological wellbeing practitioners offering 1:1 talking therapies at venues across Stockport, Computerised Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (cCBT),  cCBT at home with telephone support.

To find out more contact the team between 9am – 5pm

Contact Details

0161 480 2020

info@stockportpws.org.uk                     ccbt@selfhelpservices.org.uk

Brookfield House, 193-195 Wellington Road South, Stockport SK2 6NG

Rethink Mental illness

Rethink Mental Illness aim to make sure everyone affected by severe mental illness has a good quality of life. Their services keep people living with mental illness safe and well in the community and give access the information, support and care they're entitled to. They do this through a network of local groups and services, including their Stockport and Manchester groups.

The Stockport group aims to promote local educational activities and campaigns to help end the stigma that surrounds mental ill health. Their meetings provide a safe and relaxing environment for people interested in the campaign to meet and plan activities.

The Manchester Group is for people to come together to share information, their experiences and support with each other. The group is open to everyone: people personally affected by severe mental illness and their family members, friends and carers.

Contact Details Stockport

07843 849828 (group)


Disability Stockport, 3 High Street, Stockport, SK1 1EG


Contact Details Manchester

07816 754032 (Mary Patal)


Old Bank Building, Hanover Street, Manchester, Greater Manchester, M60 0AB

Self-help: Stockport Psychological Wellbeing Service

Self Help provide a range of support, services and opportunities, across the North West of England, for people living with mental health problems such as anxiety, depression, phobias and panic attacks. This service offers one-to-one support, talking therapy and structured courses, E-therapy exercises as well as peer support groups ( https://www.selfhelpservices.org.uk/onlinegroups ) around depression and anxiety.

An online Peer Support group is also available on Facebook, which can be accessed at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/selfhelppeersupport.

This free service is available to anyone who is registered with a GP in Stockport and is aged 11 years and above.

Opening times are Mon - Fri, 9am - 5pm

Contact Details

0161 480 2020


Brookfield House, 193-195 Wellington Road South, Stockport SK2 6NG

Stockport Progress Recovery Centre (SPARC)

SPARC is a local voluntary organisation providing support to adults in the Stockport area who experience mental health problems. The centre is managed by a committee made up of representatives from various local mental health services including Stockport and District Mind. our volunteer team and members of the centre.

SPARC offer a range of leisure, therapeutic, educational and social activities to help combat loneliness and social isolation, including art groups, gardening, Tai chi and more.

Contact Details

0161 429 9744


Progress House, 35A Adswood Lane East, STOCKPORT, SK2 6RE

Stockport and District Mind

Stockport Mind are a local, independent adult mental health charity, supporting people in the Stockport area. We are affiliated to National Mind and we are also a registered company.

Mind offer friendly, accessible support and information to people in mental distress and work with others to promote wellbeing in our local community.

Mind's opening hours for telephone support are:

Mondays – 9.30am-1pm
Tuesdays – 9.30am-4.30pm (closed 1-1.30pm)
Wednesdays – 9.30am-1pm
Thursdays – 9.30am-4.30pm (closed 1-1.30pm)
Fridays – Closed all day

You can call the helpline on 0161 480 7393 and speak to a staff member or trained volunteer, during opening hours. Outside of those times you can leave a answer message and contact number.

Alternatively you can email us – info@stockportmind.org.uk

Contact Details

0161 480 7393

Visit their website


Dove House, 65 Union street Stockport SK1 3NP

Other Services outside Stockport and available Nationwide

African & Caribbean Mental Health Service (ACMHS)

ACMHS is a community-based organisation providing free and confidential culturally appropriate services to the African and African Caribbean communities as well as other minority groups aged 18 and over.  The team offer support for anyone struggling with their mental health, whether it be experiencing anxiety disorders, depression, postnatal depression, social anxiety and phobias, stress reaction or other psychological problems.

ACMHS offer one to one and couples counselling, mindfulness therapy, group sessions, and drop ins for a variety of social activities such as sport and artand more.

ACMHS is open Monday – Friday: 9am – 5pm. Visit the website for more information.

Contact Details

0161 226 9562


African & Caribbean Mental Health Services, Windrush Millennium Centre, 70 Alexandra Road, Moss Side, Manchester M16 7WD

Deaf Rainbow

Deaf Rainbow UK provide information and resources for the Deaf LGBTIQA+ community. As we all know, the LGBTIQA+ community have endured oppression and harassment for years, and still do. Deaf LGBTIQA+ people are an even smaller minority with an added layer of audism; this lead to the Deaf LGBTIQA+ UK Facebook group, which is still running. A whole bunch of Deaf LGBTIQA+ people got together, and created a website especially. Should you need advice around parenting, surrogacy, your mental health, sexual health or your own sexuality, the team are there to support you.

Contact Details


For general enquiries, use the contact form

Facebook:@DeafRainbowUK Twitter:@DeafRainbowUK Instagram: @deafrainbowuk

The Emotional Wellbeing Hub

The Emotional Wellbeing Hub which provides information, advice, and guidance for anyone up to the age of 25 for emotional wellbeing and mental health concerns.

Access to this is through the Multi-Agency Safeguarding and Support Hub (MASSH) – 0161 217 6028 – 8.30am-5pm Mon – Thurs 8.30am-4.30pm on Friday.

Contact Details

0161 217 6028

Hub of Hope

The Hub of Hope is the UK’s leading mental health support database and is provided by national mental health charity, Hub of Hope brings thousands of local, national, peer, community, charity, private and NHS mental health support and services together in one place.

To date, the Hub of Hope has directed hundreds of thousands of people to life-changing and even life-saving support and it is now the UK’s go-to mental health support signposting tool.

The services and support listed on the Hub of Hope are not only for when things become unbearable, they are also for times when we're starting to struggle or need extra support.

Contact Details


Living Life to the Full

Life can get on top of us all at times due to work related issues, family worries, sleep difficulties or physical health problems.

Living Life to the Full is a resource based on the cognitive behavioural therapy approach.

It includes free courses that can help you to overcome low mood, build resilience and confidence, tackle upset thinking, help expectant mums and new parents and more. The courses can also help you to face the challenge of living with long term health conditions.

Plus there are course resources for carers and supporters.

These resources are free to anyone living in Greater Manchester.

Visit the GM Health Hub for more information and to sign up to Living Life to the Full.

Contact Details

01360 661 078

Five Areas Ltd, Suite 0-07, Titan Enterprise Business Centre, 1 Aurora Avenue, Clydebank G81 1BF Scotland


Every day, Samaritans respond to around 10,000 calls for help.

They're there, day or night, if you're struggling to cope, need someone to listen without judgement or pressure. They're experienced in listening to people with suicidal thoughts, feelings and plans and are here to support you:

  • when you’re desperate or on edge, they can help you get through that moment
  • they’ll help you make sense of what you’re feeling
  • They can identify other forms of help

They too can help if you know someone who is having thoughts about ending their life. You can contact the Samaritans for emotional support by phone and by email, or you can download their self help app.

Contact Details

116 123


Heaton Moor Centre, Thornfield Road, Stockport, SK4 3LD


SilverCloud offers online therapy for residents aged 18 and over with online programmes that can help ease stress levels, improve sleep or build resilience. The programmes will help to teach you techniques based on cognitive behavioural therapy. There are many activities to complete, which help you to make practical changes in your thinking and behaviour, to manage your mood or anxiety.

To access this service go to: https://gm.silvercloudhealth.com/ signup/

In most cases, you’ll get instant access to the programme. Then a therapist will provide up to six weekly online reviews to help you to get the most out of the programme.

Contact Details

0207 183 420

Complete their contact form via their website

Suite 1350, Kemp House, 152 City Road, London EC1V 2NX


Formerly known as the Big White Wall, Togetherall represents our community, which is open and inclusive to all people. Togetherall offers a place of safety without judgement for people to get together virtually to support each other. They too provide recommended resources, information and self-guided courses to support you whether you're struggling with depression, anxiety or other common mental health related problems.

You can access togetherall 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Contact Details

Complete their contact form via their website 

36-38 Whitefriars Street, London EC4Y 8BQ

Useful Information and Resources from Mental Health UK


Mood Swings Network

This service provides a range of services for people affected by a mood disorder such as depression, including their family and friends.

Phone: 0161 832 3736 (10am – 4pm, Monday to Friday)
Email: info@moodswings.org.uk
Website: www.moodswings.org.uk


The Conservation Volunteers

This organisation helps people to get involved in local conservation projects and has Green Gyms.

Website: www.tcv.org.uk



This is an organisation that supports people to get into volunteering across the country.

Website: www.do-it.org


Pandas Foundation

This organisation provides advice and support for people struggling with pre and postnatal depression.

Phone: 0843 28 98 401
Email: info@pandasfoundation.org.uk
Website: www.pandasfoundation.org.uk


Cruse Bereavement Care

This organisation provides support for people struggling with bereavement. They offer support by telephone and in local centres across the country.

Phone: 0808 808 1677
Website: www.cruse.org.uk


Counselling Directory

This website has lots of information about depression and other self-help resources.
Website: www.counselling-directory.org.uk/depression.html



This website has information on self-help guides you can buy for a range of different conditions. They are not free resources but can read reviews of different books here. You may be able to get some of the books cheaper if you buy them second hand.

Website: www.overcoming.co.uk


Online Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) resources

This website is from the NHS. It has a selection of different resources that can help with depression.
Website: www.nhs.uk/conditions/stress-anxiety-depression/pages/low-mood-stress-anxiety.aspx

Selfhelp (Improving Mental Health)

Are you feeling... 

  • Worried or anxious -
  • Stressed out -
  • Hopeless and sad -
  • Tired and exhausted

We offer a range of services across Stockport including one-to-one support, groups, workshops and eTherapy to help you on your journey to recovery

To find out more or refer:

0161 480 2020


Other Resources