[CLOSED] NHS 111 Survey now open

Survey now open around NHS 111, a joint piece of work with other local Healthwatch's in Greater Manchester.

About this survey

From 1 December 2020, NHS England launched a campaign called NHS 111 First. This campaign encourages the public to call NHS 111 before attending A&E or seeking urgent medical care, to ensure they are directed to the most appropriate service. For the first time, callers to NHS 111 can now receive a pre-booked timeslot to attend their local A&E, as well as receive a same-day appointment booking at the GP and some other urgent health services. This aims to reduce waiting times at emergency departments and limit the number of people in waiting rooms to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

This survey aims to take a closer look at people’s experiences and attitudes to NHS 111 generally, as well as the new time-slot booking service being rolled out through NHS 111 First. The survey will take around 15 minutes to complete and the results will help us inform the NHS about how the delivery of NHS111 services can be improved for you and your loved ones.

For the following questions, please remember that your answers are always treated confidentially and are never analysed individually. We have provided you with a "Prefer not to say" option if you would rather not share your experiences.

Take the survey here