End of Life Report

Read all about Healthwatch Stockport End of Life Conversation Report.


This report provides feedback from people who have had experience with end of life care, always involving a loved one. They told us their stories, what worked well and offered solutions to what could have been improved at this precious and difficult time in their life.

For many, the end of someone’s life is often difficult to talk about particularly before the person has passed away. Why it is still a taboo subject for many is probably the fact that it is so difficult to envisage losing the people we love.

To help improve access to care and support services people need at such an emotional and intense period, it is vital that we raise the issue and keep talking about end of life and long before we think its near!

Key Findings

The findings from the conversations highlight a number of themes in improving the provision and organisation of high-quality end of life care:

1. Co-ordination of care and communication across health and social care professionals.

2. Communication with patients and carer about the prognosis and care planning (care plan)

3. Bereavement care and minimising the health care risks of carers

4. Training for staff and carers involved in palliative and end of life care

5. Provision for carers, deaf people, people with learning disabilities and other vulnerable groups.


If you need this report in a different format, please contact the office at; 


0161 974 0753

End of Life Conversation Report

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