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    Healthwatch Stockport is happy to announce that its charity of the year goes to Stroke Information, a charity that helps anyone impacted by stroke, stroke survivors, carers and family members on ways to cope and manage after a stroke.
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    Blog series: Healthwatch Stockport take a look into the life of Nick Clarke - Ex Stockport County football player and the good work he is doing around stroke,
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    Welcome back to our second #ArchiveFriday. Do you recognise anyone from these photos?
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    Meet the Lived Experience Panel Members for Stockport.
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    Everyone should be given healthcare information in the way they need it. Read an overview of our campaign and find out more about Your Care, Your Way in British Sign Language and Easy Read.
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    Read about Lived Experience Panel (LEP) member Janet Ratcliffes lived experienced with a dementia specialist nurse Bridget Willis.
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    The NHS has announced a new plan and more money to improve support for long COVID. Find out how the experiences you shared helped make the difference.
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    NHS England has recently published its "Delivery plan for recovering access to primary care". We outline what the planned changes will mean for you.
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    This World Mental Health Day, we're looking at people's recent experiences of mental health services. With GPs often acting as the front door for mental health support, we've analysed our evidence about GP referrals for mental health
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    We share the key trends in what people from different ethnic minority groups are telling us, and propose steps the NHS can take towards equity in care.
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    Four areas where you can improve support for people diagnosed with diabetes
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    This week is Cervical Cancer Prevention Week. Our new blog brings together some of the key challenges people have shared about cervical screening with local Healthwatch and outlines the steps we are taking nationally to address those.
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    It's important that deaf and hard-of-hearing people can get information in an accessible way. But feedback suggests not all services are complying with key legislation.
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    Rising costs, closures and supply shortages are among the challenges for people who rely on pharmacy services.
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    William Pett, our Head of Policy, Public Affairs and Research reports that people welcome the launch of Pharmacy First. To harness the potential of community pharmacies, healthcare leaders need to address access barriers.
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    From booking appointments to learning test results, healthcare is going digital. But what do patients think about digital healthcare? And where are there opportunities to improve?
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    The review of the NHS Constitution is a unique opportunity to transform the Constitution into a meaningful contract between government, services, professionals and the public. We'd like it to become the NHS Patient Promise.