1. Report -

    Enter and View policy and code of conduct.
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    Healthwatch Stockport - Decision Making Policy
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    In this report Healthwatch Stockport view the escalating needs of the population and the increasing number of providers of social and personal care we felt the need for more local information on care received in the home.
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    Welcome to the Healthwatch Stockport report on the results of our “It’s in the Drawer” Task & Finish group, a project looking at local people’s experiences of wearing hearing aids.
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    Healthwatch Stockport's Information Round-up publishing every week. Read about the latest news, updates and events in Stockport.
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    Healthwatch Stockport's Information Round-up publishing every week. Read about the latest news, updates and events in Stockport.
  7. Advice and Information -

    The continuing cost of living crisis is adversely affecting people's physical and mental wellbeing, with vulnerable people and those on lower incomes hit the hardest.
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    Healthwatch Stockport's Information Round-up publishing every week. Read about the latest news, updates and events in Stockport.
  9. Advice and Information -

    Cervical cancer screenings save at least 2,000 lives every year in the UK. Here's what you should expect from your smear test and why these screenings are important.
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    There’s still time this winter for anyone 50 or over to get vaccinated or boosted against COVID-19 at One Stockport Hub vaccination clinic, Mersey Square, Stockport.
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    Healthwatch Stockport's Information Round-up publishing every week. Read about the latest news, updates and events in Stockport.
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    Local health bosses are urging anyone who needs a first Covid booster or winter booster vaccination to get it now, following the national announcement that the booster programme will pause on Sunday, 12 February.
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    Healthwatch Stockport's Information Round-up publishing every week. Read about the latest news, updates and events in Stockport.
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    The briefing is intended to update stakeholders on how NHS and care services in Greater Manchester are managing an increase in demand.
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  17. Report -

    Read the latest newsletter from Healthwatch Stockport. Available online or for you to order a copy.
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    Find out about the latest social care project we are working on and how you can get involved.
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    Read the latest Stockport Information Round-up with updates from us, Healthwatch England, Mind, Stockport Maternity Voices, Overeaters Annoymous and many more.
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    The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has told Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust to make safety improvements in the wards for older people with mental health problems at Woodlands Hospital, following an inspection in November.
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    Healthwatch Stockport's Information Round-up publishing every week. Read about the latest news, updates and events in Stockport.
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    Healthwatch Stockport's Information Round-up publishing every week. Read about the latest news, updates and events in Stockport.
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    Philippa Johnson is returning to her North West roots and will be taking the helm at NHS Greater Manchester Stockport Locality as its new Deputy Place Lead.
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    We are delighted to announce that our Charity of the Year for 2023 will be Stockport Women’s Centre.
  30. Response -

    The latest Emergency Department performance figures show the number of people waiting over 12 hours to be seen have gone down. Yet, still many people are waiting too long for vital NHS care. Read our response.
  31. Blog -

    At Healthwatch Stockport, we are committed to ensuring that we hear from everyone in Stockport.
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  33. News -

    Healthwatch Stockport's Information Round-up publishing every week. Read about the latest news, updates and events in Stockport.
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    Healthwatch Stockport's Information Round-up publishing every week. Read about the latest news, updates and events in Stockport.
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    Changes to COVID-19 testing will come into effect on 1 April 2023, learn more.
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    Healthwatch Stockport's Information Round-up publishing every week. Read about the latest news, updates and events in Stockport.
  37. Blog -

    Are you currently on a hospital waiting list? Are you interested in how planned hospital services work?
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  39. Response -

    With junior doctors staging a four-day strike, Healthwatch England urge all parties involved to find a resolution.
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    Stockport's Information Round-up publishing every week. Read about the latest news, updates and events in Stockport.
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    With the continuous strain on hospital services, the answers lie in permitting people to stay at home to receive their care.