1. News -

    Healthwatch Stockport's Information Round-up publishing every week. Read about the latest news, updates and events in Stockport.
  2. Report -

    Today we published our 2022-23 annual report which showcases some of the work we have undertaken last year.
  3. Report -

    Read the latest newsletter from Healthwatch Stockport. Available online or for you to order a copy.
  4. Advice and Information -

    Receiving a dementia diagnosis can be a life-changing event, but knowing what support is available to you and what steps to take next can help you or a loved one process the diagnosis and plan for the future.
  5. News -

    Please find below the Dementia Carers Count survey for carers.
    What you tell us will help us better understand the pressures on family carers and shape our services and priorities.

  6. Report -

    Read the latest newsletter from Healthwatch Stockport. Available online or for you to order a copy.