Awareness Days - September 2022

Here is the latest awareness days, months and campaigns for the month of September
Awareness Days - September 2022

Healthwatch Stockport's Picks

You can click on the pink text to take you straight to the relevant campaign or awareness day.

World Suicide Prevention Day

10th September

World Suicide Prevention Day is an awareness day observed on 10 September every year, in order to provide worldwide commitment and action to prevent suicides, with various activities around the world since 2003.

In the UK, men are three times as likely to die by suicide than women. In the Republic of Ireland, the rate is four times higher among men than women.  While there has been a reduction in the number of people completing suicide over the last ten years, the numbers are still worryingly high.  World Suicide Prevention Day aims to start the conversation about suicide and to show that recovery is possible. 

Stockport Mental Health support 

Visit our Information and Signposting directory

Every Woman Day

3rd September

EveryWoman Day is a project created to raise awareness and share experiences about women’s health, so that other women can benefit.

We care about your health, your emotions, your life story, because every woman matters.

Because ordinary women do extraordinary things every day.

Because we are you.

Research funds tend to be spent on killer health conditions, so many women’s health problems are poorly understood, even when they are severely life limiting.

We women are inspiring, resourceful, strong and wonderful, but they don’t always want to talk openly about problems with lady parts.

That’s why this project is illustrated with belly pics which don’t show faces but can show what women are up against, and how they cope.

Whether you are a patient, a nurse, a parent or a friend, you something to share. If there isn’t a story section about your condition, start one!

Choose whatever word or phrase sums it up for you, and write it on your belly then take a selfie or get someone to snap it.

Share your experience with others, for others.

Read stories from people with lived experience

Campaigns and Awareness Days

Work compiled by Pat Goddard (Healthwatch Stockport Office Volunteer) 


International Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

1st September  - 29th September

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month (#CCAM) Get involved and change the future for children with cancer

Wear It Gold Day

Dress up (or down) at home, school or work on 23 September - or choose your own day to Wear It Gold!

Sign up to Wear It Gold


Oddfellows Friendship Month

1st September  – 30th September

Friendship Month is our national awareness month, where we celebrate the importance of friendship and encourage communities to come together and enjoy each other's company. It's been running since 2010.

We hold hundreds of events across the country, such as walks and picnics, pub lunches, online quizzes and afternoon teas. During Friendship Month 2021, our branches hosted 172 face-to-face events and no less than 100 online meet-ups.

The events aim to show people the benefits of being part of a local friendship group and are specially designed to make newcomers feel at ease.

Request a free information pack


Urology Awarenesss Month

1st September – 30th September

Urology Awareness Month (UAM) was launched in 2014 with aim of raising public awareness of urological diseases and their symptoms.  We are proud of how the campaign and its coverage has grown, but know it is more important than ever to continue to spread the word and to raise money so we can fund vital research and training into these diseases.

It is estimated that 1 in 2 of us will be affected by a urology condition in our lifetime. Our urology health is vital to our quality of life. But diseases and cancers of the kidneys, bladder, prostate and the male reproductive system are becoming more prevalent and devastating the lives of millions of men, women and children in the UK.

Download our UAM information pack

Through-out the month we focus on raising awareness to breakdown stigma and encourage people to actively take care of their urology health. We offer a wide range of posters and information sheets and bitesize guides on a range of urological conditions which can be downloaded from our website

Visit the website


World Alzheimers Month

1st September - 30th September

Learn more about dementia

By learning more about dementia and understanding changes in memory and behaviour, you and your loved ones can feel empowered to reach out for the help and support you need.

This month, we’re encouraging everyone to know the signs and symptoms of dementia so they can get the right diagnosis and support as quickly as possible

World Alzheimer's Month is a global opportunity to raise awareness around, educate, encourage support of and demystify dementia.

Read our 'Living with Dementia in Stockport' report


Blood Cancer Awareness Month

1st September  - 30th September

September is designated as Blood Cancer Awareness Month to support patients affected by blood cancer, spread awareness, and raise funds to progress research on blood cancer. There are three main types of blood cancer — leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma. Nearly 1.3 million people in the United States are in remission or in treatment for blood cancer. Treatment has advanced greatly over the years, increasing survival rates, but there is still a long way to go.



Vascular Disease Awareness Month

1st September – 30th September

National Vascular Disease Awareness Month is observed in September. The purpose of this event is to raise awareness about vascular diseases across the U.K. and provide support for those living with the condition. Vascular diseases are conditions that affect the blood vessels. They are common and can be serious. Some types include aneurysms and atherosclerosis, blood clots, and strokes. Some vascular diseases can be prevented and others treated when diagnosed early, this further emphasizes the importance of National Vascular Disease Awareness Month, which features sensitization and fundraising events for the research and treatment.

More information


Gynaecological Cancer Awareness Month

1st September – 30th September

September marks Gynaecological Cancer Awareness Month (GCAM). We get involved to help educate people about cervical cancer; how it can be prevented, the signs and symptoms and support available to women diagnosed.

To find out more about cervical cancer prevention, you can read information on our website about Cervical screeningHPV vaccinationThe sympoms of cervical cancer and Cervical cancer treatment.


Know Your Numbers! Week

5th September – 10th September

Don't miss your chance to take part in the UK's biggest blood pressure testing and awareness event. 

2022 sees the 22nd anniversary of Know your Numbers! Week. We are planning to mark this milestone with a new theme and activities and look forward to working with you on Know your Numbers! Week 2022.

Save the date and register to take part. Let's make this the year we get all our friends, families, neighbours and colleagues measuring their blood pressure at home. If you would like to be involved or simply share the message, see the different ways you can get involved below.

Home blood pressure monitoring is an effective and inexpensive way to keep blood pressure under control and the evidence behind it continues to get stronger. It gives you a way to take control of your health, feel confident and take the pressure off the NHS at the same time, as there’s no need to visit your GP, practice nurse or pharmacist in person. It puts you in the driver’s seat, and it really can save lives.

This year, we want everyone to Know Their Numbers! and find those with undiagnosed and uncontrolled high blood pressure. We will:

  • encourage the nation to use a simple and reliable blood pressure monitor to measure their blood pressure at home
  • and take the necessary steps if their reading is considered high
  • raise awareness about the risks of high blood pressure.

Home monitoring offers a way for YOU to take control of your health, feel confident, and take the pressure off the NHS at the same time. It gives you a practical way to Know Your Numbers! without visiting your GP or pharmacist, and it really can save lives. 

High blood pressure can lead to heart attacks, strokes and other illnesses. Once you Know Your Numbers! you can get support to bring your blood pressure under control and prevent these diseases. 

Around a third of people in the UK have high blood pressure, but most don’t know it. It doesn’t have any symptoms so, the only way to find out is to have a blood pressure check. 

Download resources 

woman getting her blood pressure taken



Balance Awareness Week

18th September – 24th September

Join VeDA this September 18-24 for Balance Awareness Week, and together we can support people struggling with dizziness, vertigo and imbalance on their journey toward a life rebalanced.

Imagine living a life without balance

While most people may not be familiar with the word “vestibular”—a system in your inner ear that sends signals to your brain to tell you where you are in space—many of us have likely experienced the awkward, sometimes even scary feeling, when we momentarily lose our balance.

Whether it comes on gradually over time or all of the sudden, bouts of dizziness, vertigo, and nausea can make many of life’s routine tasks virtually intolerable. Everyday life – from getting around your house to grocery shopping—becomes a progressively challenging obstacle course to navigate.

Join the campaign


Orchid Male Cancer Awareness Week

12th September – 18th September

Orchid Male Cancer Awareness Week 2022 is an annual event when there is an opportunity for us all to focus on Prostate, Testicular and Penile cancer.

My Penile cancer video


Jeans for Genes Week

19th September – 25th September

The Jeans for Genes campaign raises awareness of the daily challenges faced by those living with a genetic condition and raises money to fund projects that make a tangible difference to the lives of those affected.

Most importantly, the campaign:

brings together the genetic condition community in order to make a loud noise about the issues that matter to them,

shines a light on the organisations that work tirelessly to improve the lives of affected individuals; and

celebrates the achievements of those living with a genetic condition.

Please take a look at our Funding in Action to learn more about the lasting impact your Jeans for Genes donations make.

Download resources


Lymphoma Awareness Day

15th September

Lymphoma is the UK's fifth most common cancer, but is not well known and the signs and symptoms are often overlooked. 

We are committed to raising awareness of lymphoma and the signs to look out for - with a focus in September for Blood Cancer Awareness Month which includes World Lymphoma Awareness Day on 15 September. 

More information


World Mitochondrial Disease Week

18th September – 24th September

World Mitochondrial Disease Week raises awareness of mitochondrial disease (mito) on a global scale through educational, fundraising and advocacy activities.

What is Mitochondrial Disease?

Most people have never heard of mitochondrial disease. Once considered rare, it is now thought to affect 1 in 5000 people, making it the second most commonly diagnosed, serious genetic disease after cystic fibrosis. Researchers have discovered links between mitochondrial dysfunction and other conditions including Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, cardiac issues and some cancers.

Scientists believe that in focusing on mitochondrial dysfunction, they may be able to devise effective treatments and potential cures for mito and help the millions of people who suffer from the above mentioned diseases.

Download resources


National Eye Health Week

19th September – 25th September

This year's National Eye Health Week will take place from 19 to 25 September 2022, promoting the importance of good eye health and the need for regular eye tests for all.

Did you know?

  • 2 million people in the UK are living with sight loss, that is severe enough to have a significant impact on their daily lives. Half of this sight loss is avoidable.*
  • A sight test can detect early signs of conditions like glaucoma, which can be treated if found soon enough
  • During a sight test, other health conditions such as diabetes or high blood pressure may be detected.
  • For healthy eyes, eat well, don’t smoke and wear eye protection in bright sunlight.

Check your vision here


Organ Donation Week

 19th September – 25th September

This year we’re asking everyone to go pink for the week!

Whether you bake a pink cake, wear pink socks, paint a pink unicorn or drink a pink drink we want to see what you get up to.

How will you show your support?

Do your pink thing and share the fun online.

Remember to use #organdonation and tag us @nhsorgandonor so we can see your brilliant efforts!

Download resources


World Alzheimer’s Day

21st September

World Alzheimer's Day is an international campaign to raise awareness and highlight issues faced by people affected by dementia. It is an opportunity for people and organisations to demonstrate how we can overcome these issues and help people live well with dementia.


World Heart Day

29th September

World Heart Day is an opportunity for everyone to stop and consider how best to use heart for humanity, for nature, and for you. Beating cardiovascular disease (CVD) is something that matters to every beating heart.

Use Heart for Every Heart

Use Heart means to think differently. To make the right decisions. To act with courage. To help others. To engage with this important cause. The heart is the only organ you can hear and feel. It is the first and last sign of life. It is one of the few things with the potential to unite all of us as people.

For Every Heart involves the use of “FOR” and swings the focus from the actions themselves to the beneficiaries of the actions, allowing for wider application of the campaign while also making it more personal. We want World Heart Day messages to reach as many individuals as possible to help achieve cardiovascular health for every heart.

World Heart Day 2022