Dementia Carers Annual Survey

Please find below the Dementia Carers Count survey for carers.
What you tell us will help us better understand the pressures on family carers and shape our services and priorities.


What you tell us will help us better understand the pressures on family carers, shape the services we provide and prioritise what we ask the government and service providers to address.

The first-ever nationwide survey of family dementia carers last year found that: over 80% of carers for people with dementia feel that they have no choice but to provide the care needed for a family member; over half receive no support; most have never had a carer’s assessment, and many don’t know how to access any help. This is leading to dementia carers reaching crisis points, one in five regularly.

This year we're asking carers to tell us what it's like to care for someone with dementia. We’re keen to hear about which aspects of care they find challenging, whether they receive any external support and what they would like help with to maintain their own physical and mental health.

The findings will enable us to inform health and social care policymakers and commissioners of health and social care services about what support is most urgently needed by family carers and to prompt decision makers to prioritise social care.

The survey closes on Friday, 15 September, and we will be sharing our findings later this year.

If you have any questions about this survey or need help filling it out, please contact

If you would like any further information about anything mentioned in the survey (for example, how to sign up for a session offered at Dementia Carers Count), please contact 

Click Here to take the survey