Enter & View Report - Quality of Home Care

In this report Healthwatch Stockport view the escalating needs of the population and the increasing number of providers of social and personal care we felt the need for more local information on care received in the home.


Healthwatch Stockport felt the need for more local information on care received in the home. This is an initial attempt to get some figures and also some narrative, which in many cases is more powerful, to the local providers.

Following this, a survey was designed by Healthwatch Stockport to look into understanding user experience at the care homes. We recognize that 44 responders naming approx. 10 providers may be inadequate for accurate statistical analysis but it should not diminish the value of the information to the providers.

The results and the interpretation of some of the questions has, of course, left us with a need to follow up this report. The survey design was started on 22nd July 2012 and completed on 26 July 2013.The prolonged period was due to governmental changes from LINk to Healthwatch Stockport made to strengthen up the voices of the people.

Key Findings

1. 86% of people taking the survey stated that they had been involved in the planning of their care with three quarters stating that their care planning had involved their family or someone they trust. The majority of respondents said that their care plan was discussed yearly.

2. Respondents had a variety of ongoing health and social care needs including issues with eyesight, mobility, dementia, learning disabilities, diabetes, stroke survivors, osteoporosis, mental health issues, Down’s syndrome, anxiety, Parkinsonism and loneliness.

3. The majority of respondents who commented said that the carers usually get in contact if there are any changes. Several respondents noted the time between appointments as an issue, with comments on travelling time and the complexity of the treatment of the person seen before them.


Healthwatch Stockport Enter & View Report - Quality of Home Care Provision Report

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